{"STATUS":"SUCCESS","ID":"110","LATITUDE":"49.2224944604469","LONGITUDE":"-122.69477323227","TYPE":"locations-mark","NAME":"Smith family home","CONTENT":"This is Mr. and Mrs. Smith standing on a wooden walkway under an arbor in front of their House on Ford Road, in the 1900s. Due to the style of dress, it would indicate the approximate date to be the late 1910's. Later, the Borsucks would own this home.","SEO_LINK":"smith-family-home","VIDEO_LINK":"","SOUNDCLOUD_LINK":"","IMG1":"1524677881_main_smith-family-home_1.jpg","IMG2":"","IMG3":"","IMG4":"","IMG5":"","IMG6":"","IMG7":"","IMG1_THUMB":"1524677881_thumb_smith-family-home_1.jpg","IMG2_THUMB":"","IMG3_THUMB":"","IMG4_THUMB":"","IMG5_THUMB":"","IMG6_THUMB":"","IMG7_THUMB":""}X

Smith family home

This is Mr. and Mrs. Smith standing on a wooden walkway under an arbor in front of their House on Ford Road, in the 1900s. Due to the style of dress, it would indicate the approximate date to be the late 1910's. Later, the Borsucks would own this home.


Latitude: 49.2224944604469

Longitude: -122.69477323227

Direct Link: https://www.pittmeadowsmuseum.com/locations/smith-family-home

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Government of British Columbia
BC | Canada 150 Grants