{"STATUS":"SUCCESS","ID":"262","LATITUDE":"49.2295999868671","LONGITUDE":"-122.68973205025","TYPE":"locations-mark","NAME":"Pitt Meadows Post Office","CONTENT":"This photograph is of the government post office on Harris Road, just south of McMyn in the 1950s. The building was located by the Lions Den and the 1950s fire hall (the only building still standing is the Lions Den). Pitt Meadows first got a post office on February 1st, 1908 and was originally located in the General Store. Many men ran the post office including Plommer, Crickmay, Fred Taylor, Thornton and William Struthers. In 1944 Robert Thornburn became postmaster and built a new post office. This would mark the first time the post office had a purpose-built building all to itself. This post office was located on Harris Road just north of McMyn Road. It was used until the new federal building was built in 1959 (which is this building). The post office moved once again around 2000 to a nearby pharmacy.","SEO_LINK":"pitt-meadows-post-office","VIDEO_LINK":"","SOUNDCLOUD_LINK":"","IMG1":"1625341772_main_pitt-meadows-post-office_1.jpg","IMG2":"","IMG3":"","IMG4":"","IMG5":"","IMG6":"","IMG7":"","IMG1_THUMB":"1625341772_thumb_pitt-meadows-post-office_1.jpg","IMG2_THUMB":"","IMG3_THUMB":"","IMG4_THUMB":"","IMG5_THUMB":"","IMG6_THUMB":"","IMG7_THUMB":""}X

Pitt Meadows Post Office

This photograph is of the government post office on Harris Road, just south of McMyn in the 1950s. The building was located by the Lions Den and the 1950s fire hall (the only building still standing is the Lions Den). Pitt Meadows first got a post office on February 1st, 1908 and was originally located in the General Store. Many men ran the post office including Plommer, Crickmay, Fred Taylor, Thornton and William Struthers. In 1944 Robert Thornburn became postmaster and built a new post office. This would mark the first time the post office had a purpose-built building all to itself. This post office was located on Harris Road just north of McMyn Road. It was used until the new federal building was built in 1959 (which is this building). The post office moved once again around 2000 to a nearby pharmacy.


Latitude: 49.2295999868671

Longitude: -122.68973205025

Direct Link: https://www.pittmeadowsmuseum.com/locations/pitt-meadows-post-office

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This project funded in part by:
Government of British Columbia
BC | Canada 150 Grants