General Store Site 12294 Harris Road Pitt Meadows, B.C.
Click Here for DirectionsNew Signage for the Museum’s Hands On Exhibit and Outdoor Wash Day Programming.
As you may already know, at one time, doing the wash required a team of helpers and a full day of work. Throughout the summer of 2013, artist Jennifer Chernecki worked to develop some new signage to show exactly what Sunny Monday entailed. What resulted was a large-scale coroplast sign created to complement our existing Wash Day Hands-On program of wash tubs, washboards and plungers, wringers, irons, sock stretchers and a drying rack.
The original piece of artwork was then fitted into an antique window (found at the ever-helpful Jack’s Used Building Supplies) and installed in the Wash Day Exhibit area of the museum’s kitchen.
Watch for us next year at the fair, Pitt Meadows Day or on some sunny weekend and get ready to work!
November 2013.